hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo, how are you todayyyy?
jadi gini, selayaknya orang pacaran biasa dong sms cing ya? nah sama kaya gue seno, kemaren malem kita smsan biasa aja. tibatiba nih anak balesnya lama, apa ketiduran atau apa gue gatau emang sih udah maleman juga waktu itu.dan tibatiba dia bales, yang bikin gue kaget hahaha kira2 isinya..
seno; gladys, i just wanna say i love you.and now, i want to sleep in my small room adn dream about you.you know, you're my everything....
gue; ok, i'm here and i don't wanna miss a thing about you.i love you morethan, cause you're all I need. sleep tight sayaaaang
seno; thanks sayang, i will love you until the end of time and until i can't say hello to you, smile to you,sharing with you, tell joke to you.everyday i'm very happy because you always beside me baby, when i sad when i fall or anything
gue; ouuugggggghhh, i'm speechless sayaaang. i love you, and you're my everything.thanks for all baby and aaaaaa thanks god we're together oh i'm so happy
ah gilaaaaaaaaaa, tadi malem sebelum tidur gue dikasih begituan cing gimana ga speechless coba. gue cuma bisa bilang i love you too lah sennnnnnnnnnnnn aaaaaaaaaa my wonderful life with you lah gitu deh kalah berat gue sama seno wakakakak
Labels: lovelife